Here you can find the software tabs
2.1 FILE
Under this point you will find videos that explain everything about the software tab „File“ in TrunCAD.
How do I save and load a project?
How do I create an individual default cabinet?
2.2 ROOM
Under this point you will find videos that explain everything about the software tab „Room“ in TrunCAD.
What do I need to know about the dimensions and the sloping roof?
How do I create a window, door and cutout?
Under this point you will find videos that explain everything about the software tab „Cabinet“ in TrunCAD.
How do I placing cabinets in the room?
How do I attach cabinets to cabinets?
Under this point you will find videos that explain everything about the software tab „Division“ in TrunCAD.
What do I need to know about vertical mid-board settings?
What do I need to know about horizontal mid-board settings?
Under this point you will find videos that explain everything about the software tab „Interior“ in TrunCAD.
How do I set a row and group of holes?
How do I set inner-drawers?
Under this point you will find videos that explain everything about the software tab „Front“ in TrunCAD.
How do I place drawers?
How do I set a lid?
2.7 FORM
Under this point you will find videos that explain everything about the software tab „Form“ in TrunCAD.
How do I create forms and cutouts?
Under this point you will find videos that explain everything about the software tab „Material“ in TrunCAD.
How do I create create new materials?
How do I create a varnish surface material?
2.9 HELP
Under this point you will find videos that explain everything about the software tab „Help“ in TrunCAD.
How do I use the webformular?